Andrea Dworkin biography at QuotationFun

A Short Biography of Andrea Dworkin

Author Name:

Andrea Dworkin

Born As:

Andrea Rita Dworkin

Other Names:

Andrea Rita Dworkin


26 Sep 1946


9 Apr 2005

author picture
Feminist and writer                          
Selected Works:


Heartbreak: The Political Memoir of a Feminist Militant - 2002
Scapegoat: The Jews, Israel, and Women's Liberation - 2000
Life and Death: Unapologetic Writings on the Continuing War Against Women - 1997
In Harm’s Way: The Pornography Civil Rights Hearings - with Catharine MacKinnon, 1997
Right-Wing Women: The Politics of Domesticated Females - 1991
Letters from a War Zone: Writings - 1988

Pornography and Civil Rights: A New Day for Women's Equality - 1988 
Intercourse - 1987
Pornography - Men Possessing Women - 1981
Our Blood: Prophesies and Discourses on Sexual Politics - 1976
Woman Hating: A Radical Look at Sexuality - Dutton, 1974

Fiction and Poetry:

Mercy - 1990
Ice and Fire - 1986
The New Woman's Broken Heart: Short Stories - 1980
Morning Hair - self-published, 1968
Child - 1966
Heraklion, Crete, 1966.                          
Mother  Sylvia Spiegel
Father Harry Dworkin - one younger brother, Mark.                          
In sixth grade, the administration at her new school punished her for refusing to sing "Silent Night" - as a Jew, she objected to being forced to sing Christian religious songs at school.

Known for her criticism of pornography, which she linked with rape and other forms of violence against women.

Speech "Prostitution: From Academia to Activism".