Dalton Trumbo biography at QuotationFun

A Short Biography of Dalton Trumbo

Author Name:

Dalton Trumbo

Born As:

James Dalton Trumbo

Other Names:


09 Dec 1905


10 Sep 1976

author picture
Screenwriter and Novelist                          
Selected Works:


Road Gang - 1936
Love Begins at 20 - 1936
Devil's Playground - 1937
Fugitives for a Night - 1938
A Man to Remember - 1938
Five Came Back - 1939 - with Nathanael West and J. Cody
Curtain Call - 1941
Bill of Divorcement - 1940
Kitty Foyle - 1940
The Remarkable Andrew - 1942
Tender Comrade - 1944
A Guy Named Joe - 1944
Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo - 1944
Our Vines Have Tender Grapes - 1945
Gun Crazy - 1950 - co-writer - front: Millard Kaufman
He Ran All the Way - 1951 - co-writer - front: Guy Endore
The Prowler - 1951 - uncredited with Hugo Butler
Roman Holiday - 1953 - front: Ian McLellan Hunter
They Were So Young - 1954 - pseudonym: Felix Lutzkendorf
The Boss - 1956 - front: Ben L. Perry
The Brave One - 1956 - front: Robert Rich
The Green-eyed Blonde - 1957 - front: Sally Stubblefield
From the Earth to the Moon - 1958 - co-writer as front: James Leicester
Cowboy - 1958 - front: Edmund H. North
Spartacus - 1960 - directed by Stanley Kubrick
Exodus - 1960 - based on Leon Uris' 1958 novel of the same name
The Last Sunset - 1961
Lonely are the Brave - 1962
The Sandpiper - 1965
Hawaii - 1966 - based on the novel by James Michener - 1959
The Fixer - 1968
Johnny Got His Gun - 1971 - also directed
The Horsemen - 1971
F.T.A. - 1972
Executive Action - 1973
Papillon - 1973 - based on the novel by Henri Charrière - 1969

Novels, Plays and Essays:

Eclipse - 1935
Washington Jitters - 1936
Johnny Got His Gun - 1939
The Remarkable Andrew - 1940 - also known as Chronicle of a Literal Man
The Biggest Thief in Town - 1949 - lay
The Time Out of the Toad - 1972 - essays
Night of the Aurochs - 1979 - unfinished - editor R. Kirsc


Harry Bridges - 1941
The Time of the Toad - 1949
The Devil in the Book - 1956
Additional Dialogue: Letters of Dalton Trumbo - 1942–62 - 1970 - edited by H. Manfull                          
Dalton Trumbo was one of the Hollywood Ten, a group of film professionals who refused to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee - HUAC, in 1947 during the committee's investigation of Communist influences in the motion picture industry.