Finley Peter Dunne biography at QuotationFun

A Short Biography of Finley Peter Dunne

Author Name:

Finley Peter Dunne

Born As:

Finley Peter Dunne

Other Names:

Finley Peter Dunne


10 Jul 1867


24 Apr 1936

author picture
Humorist and journalist                          
Selected Works:

Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War - 1898
Mr. Dooley in the Hearts of His Countrymen - 1899
Mr. Dooley's Philosophy - 1900
Mr. Dooley's Opinions - 1901
Observations by Mr. Dooley - 1902
Dissertations by Mr. Dooley - 1906
Mr. Dooley Says - 1910
Mr. Dooley on Making a Will and Other Necessary Evils - 1919.