Ethics - 1677 - Part IV : Of Human Bondage, or the Strength of the Emotions - Ethics Geometrically Demonstrated - Proposition 35: Note
Ethics - 1677 - Part IV : Of Human Bondage, or the Strength of the Emotions - Ethics Geometrically Demonstrated - Proposition 35: Corollary 2
Ethics - 1677 - Part IV : Of Human Bondage, or the Strength of the Emotions - Ethics Geometrically Demonstrated - Proposition 35: Corollary 1
In so far only as men live in obedience to reason, do they always necessarily agree in nature.
Ethics - 1677 - Part IV : Of Human Bondage, or the Strength of the Emotions - Ethics Geometrically Demonstrated - Proposition 35
In so far as men are assailed by emotions which are passions, they can be contrary one to another.
Ethics - 1677 - Part IV : Of Human Bondage, or the Strength of the Emotions - Ethics Geometrically Demonstrated - Proposition 34
Ethics - 1677 - Part IV : Of Human Bondage, or the Strength of the Emotions - Ethics Geometrically Demonstrated - Proposition 33
Ethics - 1677 - Part IV : Of Human Bondage, or the Strength of the Emotions - Ethics Geometrically Demonstrated - Proposition 32
Ethics - 1677 - Part IV : Of Human Bondage, or the Strength of the Emotions - Ethics Geometrically Demonstrated - Proposition 31: Corollary
In so far as a thing is in harmony with our nature, it is necessarily good.
Ethics - 1677 - Part IV : Of Human Bondage, or the Strength of the Emotions - Ethics Geometrically Demonstrated - Proposition 31
Ethics - 1677 - Part IV : Of Human Bondage, or the Strength of the Emotions - Ethics Geometrically Demonstrated - Proposition 30